• Address Umuodia Kindred, Nkwelle Ogidi, Anambra State, Nigeria.


The constitution, rules and regulation of UmuOdia Kindred
1. The Kindred shall be known and called Umu-Odia Kindred and the meeting shall be called Umu-Odia Kindred Meeting.

Aims and Objectives of the Kindred's meetings are:
a. To bring together all the members of Umu-odia Kindred under one umubrella and to foster and perpertuate the spirit of brotherliness in them.
b. To try as mux=ch as it can to arrest any awful situation of things in the kindred whenever they arise.
c. To guide jealously, as much as she can the interest of the young members of the kindred and toassit them morally and finally whenever occassion calls for doing so and within the financial capacity of the kindred.
d.To create a common purse/fund through which meaningful projects could be carried out.

a. Membership is open to all sons of Odia residing at home and abroad and up to 18(eighteen) years.
b. An applicant (School Leaver or Discharged Apprentice) is exempted fro annual dues and levies, but as soon as he starts work, he is given 6(six) months grace for him to start payment of dues and levies.

a. Anybody who satisfies the conditiongiven in section (3) sub-section (a) above is entitled to register with a fee of Five Hundred Naira (500)

There shall be 2 (two) sections of meetings:
a. The Home General Meeting which must be holing once every month and on a first saturday and Home and abroad general meeting shall be holding twice every year and during the easter and Christmas period.
b. Executive meeting shall be held not more than a week before any general meeting.
c. emergency meetings shall be called when necessary.
d. Time of the Home general meeting shall be 12 noon prompt and for thehome and abroad general meetings shall be 7:00am prompt each day and shall not last for more than 2hours and 4 hours respectively.

For the General meeting to hold, 9 members which must include 3 executive members shall be present and for the home and abroad meeting, 12 members include four executives who must be present.

The meeting shall have the following officers to man the affairs of the kindred:-
1. Chairman
2. Vice Chairman
3. The secretary,
4. The assistant Secretary
5. The Financial Secretary
6. The Treasurer
7. Two Provost
8. Two trustee
9. One Circulator/Provost

a. The officers shall be elected using open ballot system.
b. The tenure of the elcted officers shall be dissolved at the expiration of every tenure and a fresh election conducted.
c. Every member of the kindred is eligible to contest for any post provided he is financially up to date and must have attended meetings for not less than 8(eight) times in a year or two-third of the number of the meetings held within a tenure. and must be of good conduct and has a minimum of First School Leaving Certificate with Prooved evidence
d. An officer shall be removed if found guilty of any misconduct.
e. Position of the officers should be rotating between the sons ofOdia viz Ofugoli and Ejiofor.

a. Every elected officer shall hold office fora period of (one tenure) three (3) years.
b. An officer is eligible to contest for re-election at the expiration of the first tenure (i.e three years) provided he satisfies the conditions in section 7.1 and sub-section c.
c. An officer shall not contest for the same post having held the office for two consecutive tenures. But can contest after six (6) years of his second tenure if it is the turn of his family.

8.1 Chairman:
a. he is the chief spokesman of the kindred internally and externally but with the consent of the kindred.
b. he shall summon all meetings of the executive committee and general meeting by a directive to the secretary and shall preside over these meetings.
c. He shall implement the decision of the executive committee and the general assembly, and shall observe the fundamental aims andobjectives of the kindred.
d. The Chairman shall in full agreement with the secretary and the vice chairman, act on behalf of the kindred in case of emergency, provided that such action(s) is/are in line with the policy of the kindred and provided that such action(s) is/are reported to the executive committee for ratification before presentation to the meeting.
e. he is to summon an emergency meeting of the general assembly with approval of the executive committee.

a. he assits the chairman and shall act in his absence or as delegated.

a. He shall, unless otherwise directed by the presding officer, record the minutes of all the meetings of the Kindred and Executive Committee.
b. He shall keep record of attendance at all meetings.
c. he shall reply and sign all the outgoing correspondences of the Kindred as directed by Kindred.
d. He shall with the directive of the chairman and in accordance with the provision of this constitution, summon all meetings of the kindred.
e. He shall in consultation with the chairman or presiding officer, prepare the agenda of the meeting he summons.
f. The secretary shall on any day of the meeting make available all the relevant documents, files, minutes books and other materials likely to be required for reference.
g. he in ceasing to Holdoffice, shall surrender all records andproperties of the Kindred in hiscustody, which are in his possession by virtue of hisoffice as the secretary of the kindred.
h. he shall keep an impress account of one thousand Naira (1000) whic must be retired before a fresh one shall be given him.

a. he shall act for the secretary in absence and as need arises

a. shall keep the account of all the money of the kindred and render an annual financial report to the general ouse at the december general meeting.
b. he shall collect all the money due to the kindred including dues and levies.
c. he shall pay in to the treasurer within 3 days of collection or into the kindred Bank account and submit the teller to the treasurer within the same period.
d. he shall keep record of all transactions in a financial book not in a flying paper
e. he shall keep an impress of N2000 and shall retire it before fresh one shall be approved.
f. he shall prepare and sign the payment vouchers for chairman to Approve.

a. Shall receive all money collected from the financial secretary and pay them into the kindred's bank account within 3 days of the receipt.
b. he shall keep funds register and pay out funds only as directed and duly authorized by the kindred through payment vouchers prepared and signed by the financial secretary and counter signed by the chairman.
c. he shall keepcustody of the kindred's bank passbook(s) and check(s) book and ensure their safety.
d. Heshall be a signatory to all cheque drawn on the kindred's account.
e. his financial account and record shall at all times tally with those of the financial secretary.
f. He shall keep an impress account of N4000 and shall retire it before fresh impress shall be granted.

a. two provosts shall assit the presiding officer in maintaining order in meetings and functions of the kindred.
b. they shall enforce the collection of fines imposed on members for disturbances and for lateness to meetings or any function of the kindred.

the trustees shall be in charge of all properties of the kindred both movable and immovable. One of the trustees shall be one of the signatoris proovided he is not from the same family with the chairman.

the circulator / PRO shall circulate official information to members of the kindred.

The signatories of the kindred shall be the Chairman, Treasurer and one of the trustees who must not come from the same family with the chairman

They shall be elected every december to audit the books of the account of the kindred.

a. Every home member shall be paying a monthly due of N100 i.e 1200 annually
b. Every abroad member shall be paying amonthly due of N200 i.e 2400 annually

a. any member who stays outside Ogidi for up totwelve months on work expendition shall be regarded as an abroad member.
b. any abroad member who returns to Ogidi automatically becomes a Home member after twelve months.
c. Any member who stays in Ogidi shall be regarded as home member.

9.2 FINES:
a. disturbances at the meeting i.e talking, laughing, private conversation e.t.c carries a fine of N100.00 This shall be collected immediately by the provost.
b. fighting during meetings andat gatherings is strictly prohibited and attracts a fine N1000 for each culprits. after judgement, the guilty shall be liable to an additional fine of N2000
c. any member who enters the meeting after theminutes have been read is deemed to belate and shallpay a fine of N50 at the door of the meeting hall.
d. leaving the meeting hall without permission carries a fine of N50
e. Absentee during the regular monthly meeting shall pay a fine of N200
f. Absentees during the Home and Abroad meeting shall pay a fine of N200
g. Any member who did not pay his fine after the expiration of date given to him to pay it shall pay it with interest of 25%
h. All discussions at the meeting shall be taken in confidence and shall be kept secret.
i. any member found guilty ofdivulging any decision arrived at any meeting to a non member of the kindred isliable to a fine of N5000
j. Anyone who indulges himself intoscandalous activities with the intention of bringing the name of a member of the family into shame andmckery is liable to a fine of N5000
k. No member of this kindred shall take any civil case to court or to any other organization for settlement without first bringing it to the kindred meeting.